Welcome from
rabbi Fridkis
I feel privileged to write you as Rabbi of the most ideologically progressive URJ: Union for Reform Judaism Congregation in North America. In speaking of what makes The Temple of Universal Judaism unique among Reform congregations: our respect for each individual’s and family’s philosophical and spiritual choices. We embrace interfaith couples, dual religion families, LBGTQ, singles, people of color, young and old. Anyone – Jew or Gentile, single–religion or dual-religion can join our mainstream Reform Jewish congregation.
We’re also a warm and friendly congregation where all can find a warm welcome: a true community, comprised of caring and supportive people. And now we are beginning to grow again. Our monthly 1st Friday “85shabbat” service, our Hanukah celebration, 2nd Night Passover Seder, High Holy Days, and growing numbers of Bar-Bat Mitzvah have all seen increasing involvement. I wish those of you who have not yet met us will visit to witness our energy, our beautifully shared spirit and soulful music.
One of our Board members recently remarked: “TUJ is NYC’s best kept secret!” With extremely modest dues and open door policy with no one turned away, we exemplify what a true congregation is meant to be.
Please help us spread the word about TUJ. Invite friends and family. Certainly more members are good for TUJ. But more than that, TUJ has much to offer NYC’s progressive Jewish community.
We live in spiritually difficult times. For whenever a society – its culture, economy, science and philosophy – all change rapidly, individuals find themselves unsure of which ideas to cling to and which institutions to affiliate with. I know TUJ is well poised to be one of those organizations: I’m sure of it.
I look forward to personally wishing each of you a Shana Tova: a Good New Year; or a Shabbat Shalom; and wishes for strength or Mazel Tov in the days and weeks to come.
Ari Fridkis